It's been quite a while since I posted anything here. Actually a couple of months.
In that time there have been some wonderful times in my life.
First off, my granddaughter finally had her baptism. It was an interesting time from the stand point that she does not like having her head wet. We were worried that there would be a problem when the pastor anointed her head.
So she simply moistened her forehead and then anointed her with oil which she let her smell first.
The end result was that the baptism went very smoothly and without any screaming. Actually, I think she enjoyed being the center of attention.
Here is a group picture from the event:
On the right are the two proud parents. And on the left are Kara's wonderful godparents, my partner, and my youngest daughter. In the middle are the Pastor, a wonderful woman, and the maiden of honor.
An interesting development as we celebrated her baptism in the undercroft following the ceremony.
The ceremony had been attended by both my ex spouses as well as my daughters (of course) as well as some relatives. One of the parishioners, who is unfamiliar with my history was confused about the number of "grandma's" attending the service. She said that one of the ladies said that she was my daughters mother. And she was confused about my relationship to her.
I took deep breath and said that when my daughters were born, I was their father. She blinked a couple of times and then said, "oh". Then she apologized and said that she didn't mean to pry.
I told her that it wasn't a problem and I didn't think it was prying at all. She smiled sweetly and the rest of the time went very well.
Now my "secret" is out. I am no longer stealth at church. There really isn't that much church gossip, I'm sure it does happen and sooner or later, everyone will know. While I don't make a big deal about my history, I certainly don't wear a sign around my neck that says "TRANSSEXUAL!!!" And there are at least one gay couple already at the church. Well, actually two, now. I and my partner are the other one. And we don't make a big deal about that either.
And neither does anyone else. In the intervening time, there have been no second looks, no whispering behind my back, no suppressed giggles. This is my family and I love them all.
Today, as we were coming home from Church, Pat asked if we wanted to see some animals. I said sure!
As we drove home, she directed me down a different road and we ended up at a small field enclosed with a fence.
On the other side of the fence were emus! I certainly did not expect to see them in my neck of the woods.
Kara was facinated:
Well that is just a quick couple of things that have been happening here.
I'll post more soon.
Very soon, like this week, Kara will have a little sister. So I'll have quite a bit to talk about then!