Monday, September 17, 2007

The stbeh...

The stbeh...
This past weekend I visited the stbew in Indianapolis where she moved a couple of months ago. I took some things down there to give to her and she had a few things for me.

Over all it was a pleasent time, we're still amicable and friendly. I also brought my two new kittens to visit with their older siblings. Unfortunately they did not get along so well. The older siblings are used to having the house to themselves and did not appreciate new kittens being brought in. The kittens two were a bit hostile since they were in alien territory. Watching a ten week old kitten trying to out hiss is sort of cute, but not to the kitten of course. Things finally settled down a bit when I moved them to the back bedroom where they could be by themselves.

The spouse said that she would be going to church on Sunday and invited me to go along before I headed back to Chi. It was a nice day and I accepted. I didn't bring any Sunday-going-to-meetin' clothes with me so I dressed casual and put on some light make up.

The service was pleasent and mostly as I remember it. I was a Catholic in my youth so I recalled most of the service. I felt spiritual connection with the congregation and spiritually fullfilled as well.

At the end of the service we exited the church and was greeted by the pastor. The pastor shook my hand and asked my name, I answered Sandy and he asked if I had a last name, and I told him my last name.

All of a sudden he got a surprised look on his face and looked at my spouse. My spouse then said: "Let me introduce you to my soon to be ex-husband, Sandy."

The pastor quickly recovered and said; "Hello Sandy! It's wonderful to meet you! Please come back!" I explained that I was from Chicago but would attend when I was in town. I was amused by the exchange, but not surprised. I was gratified that the pastor was so accepting of me.

When the spouse applied to become a member of the church she had to explain why she was getting a divorce, so the pastor already had an idea of what was going on, and accepted it. I think he was taken aback by having me actually show up at service. Most divorces, of course, are not that amicable so it is unusual that the couple would actually come to the same service together.

What I'm finding is in those situations where I am outed or have to out myself, more often as not I am accepted. There is no recrimination or declaration that I am a sick individual. Heavens! We're almost mainstream!

-Sandy (when did they get rid of latin?)

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