Monday, March 8, 2010

Non Discrimination Law in Illinois under attack - update

I live in Illinois where we enjoy non-discrimination in ways that should set a standard for the rest of the country.

We have ENDA rules that encompass gender identity both as state and city of Chicago regulations.

It was primarily this law that afforded me such an easy transition in my life.  I feel especially blessed because of it.

Now this law is under attack from primarily a republican gubernatorial hopeful bill brady.

Currently this bill is dormant but could be called at any time:

Here is more information from Equity Illinois: Update on Non-Discrimination Law Attack
And background information from bilerico
and pams houseblend

I would have added my own take on this but these fine citizen journalists have done a much better job than I could.

Please get involved and contact your local state senator especially if you live in Illinois.  Do not let the hard won efforts of equality be eroded by these people.

Eternal Vigilance is the Cost of Liberty.


UPDATE: Apparently, through a dedicated undertaking of constituents, this bill has been terminated.  Which is a good thing.  However we cannot ever relax our stance on maintaining our precious rights.

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