About this blog

The bulk of the postings here are from my blog at Susan's.  I have copied them here for wider audience availability and posterity.

Each one of the copied postings have a link back to Susan's where you can view any comments that were made by the other posters there.  You are welcome to post here of course.

Those postings document my journey in coming to terms with being transsexual and the physical, psychological and societal changes that occurred in my transition from male to female.

One of the nice things of the blog entries being here is that they are now arranged chronologically.  At Susan's, the log entries came out either by last viewed date or number of comments or number of views.  Here with the entries in time sequence you can see how my mental state changed (read improved) as time went along.

If you are, or think you are trans, then I hope my ramblings help you in some way along your journey.

If you are curious about transsexuality, this is a good place to get an idea of what a trans person really goes through.  It really isn't about sex oddly enough.  Well, not a lot anyway.

And if you are looking for titillation, then google on, there is nothing for you here.