Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I want to burn the bridge.

I want to burn the bridge.
It's a little odd. Over the last few weeks I've become so impatient with myself and my progress. Now, I know I've been shot out of a cannon, or as Julie likes to say I'm FedEx'ing my transition. I know there are so many who take so much longer. So I know I am truly blessed at all my good fortune to be where I am at. And I truly believe that! I'm currently 24x7-40. My wardrobe is growing with every swipe of the credit card (poor thing is severely bruised).

I'm actively pursuing my transition at work with HR and management. It will happen. But not tomorrow. The same with my body. Like a pre-pubescent girl I look at myself in the mirror and just cry sometimes! I feel like nothing is happening. But of course I know (intellectually) that there is. There has been some really dramatic changes in my body over the last few months. And I really appreciate them. It's just that sometimes I feel frustrated.

Not that I'd fly out to Thailand or bypass the SOC, but I just want to be out of these bloody guy clothes! I want to be transitioned! I want my legal name change completed!

What I really want is to do something irreversible. Something that will prevent me from ever being able to go back and pretend to be a guy ever again. Every step in the SOC is designed to put off the irreversible steps as long as possible to allow for buyers remorse and allow the patient the maximum amount time to make a thorough, well thought out decision.

Well I've been thinking about it for 50 years, doesn't that count? I've thought it over, and being a guy really sucks. It's as simple as that.


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