Monday, March 19, 2007

I am such a GIRL!

I am such a GIRL!
I probably haven't been on HRT long enough to say that I've lost any real muscle mass, but I have lost some upper body muscle tone.

This was demonstrated very graphically this morning.

Julie has bottled a bottled water dispenser and we both use it a lot. This morning I noticed that the jug was empty so I pulled it off and went into the closet to find a refill. Well, the jug was a bit heavier than I remembered and I ended up sliding it across the floor to the kitchen.

I opened the top and then attempted to lift it up and put it on the dispenser. Well, I got about halfway up and the water was pouring out of the jug and into the dispenser. I couldn't lift it the rest of the way up to tip it into the holder! Very soon the dispenser is full of water and starting to overflow. Water is going everywhere! I set the jug back down, barely keeping it from tumbling out of my hands and making more of a mess!

"Ok," I thought, "You're the one who wanted to be female!"

I take another breath and try again. This time I do manage to get it all the way up and in place on the dispenser. By this time there is a couple of cups of water spilled on the floor and the dispenser. I am feeling like such a klutz as I clean up the mess!

I think I need to go lift some weights.

-Sandy (ONE! *grunt* TWO! *groan*... that's enough!)

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