Friday, March 9, 2007

The Stanton Mess - UPDATED

The Stanton Mess - UPDATED
I was actually starting to believe the press about me. Some people I knew had been calling me brave because of my impending transition at work. For a little bit I thought that maybe I was a little bit brave...

I'm a poser.

I just got done watching all the videos and reading all the stories about his transition. And there he sits taking full force all the fury the trans/homo phobic cretins can throw at him with a look of detached calm.

Then there is that reverend butt-head who without having to read any supporting medical literature is not only convinced that Jesus himself would have lead the charge for Steve's dismissal but is absolutely convinced that he can save him simply by quoting from the bible. His claim to have cured sinning homosexuals implies a track record that he could probably save all those godless Islamics as well. Just think of all the money I'll save not having to go through surgery! All I have to do is read reverend BH's patented, never-fail, cure for homosexuality, transsexuality, and heartburn.

It's times like this I wish being transsexual WAS contagious. I'd be sure to sneeze on this Nimrod every chance I could get.

And there he sat, implacably calm. I'm sure that on the inside and in private he may be seething. But on the outside, a quiet peacefulness that could anesthetize a charging bull.

He is one class act.

And now unemployed. The board voted to fire him.

If there is anyone who embodies all the qualifications of "following his bliss" it must be Steve. I'm sure he'll land on his feet. I can't imagine those "invisible hands" doing anything that wouldn't lead him deeper into his field of bliss.

My list of transsexual roll models just got longer by one. A big one.

Here I was thinking I was brave because everyone at my shop was falling all over themselves to help me transition because on some basic level they fear a lawsuit. Absolutely they do care about me, but they also care about the company.

I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth by any means.

But if I ever start thinking I'm brave again, all I have to do is look at Steve's quiet, peaceful face and there I'll see *real* bravery!



I've read that Mr Stanton chooses use the male pronoun until such time as he makes his official change to female. And other support sites are also referring to him in the male mode. His wishes are that he be referred to in the gender he is presenting.

I can certainly understand and accept his wishes. To that end I've made appropriate changes in this post as well.

But it changes nothing...

He is still a class act.

I am still a poser.

And reverend BH is still...

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